Oracle Database Security

source: xkcd

Oracle default security features
User accounts
  • naming convention, password profiles, password policies
  • Unlike SQL Server (2005/2008), there is no clear separation between database user and database schema
Authentication methods
  • database level, OS level, network level
Privileges and roles
  • restrict data access
Application security
  • User session information using Application CONTEXT
  • Application Context: name-value pair that holds session info.
  • You can retrieve info about a user (i.e., username/terminal, username/deptid) and restrict database and application access based on this information.
Virtual Private Database: restrict database access on the row and column levels.
  • VPD policy: dynamically imbeds a WHERE clause into SQL statements
Audit database

Additional database security resources
  1. Oracle Advanced Security
    • TDE, Wallet Mgmt, Network Encryption, RADIUS, Kerberos, Secure Sockets Layer authentication
  2. Oracle Label Security
    • Secures database tables at the row level
  3. Oracle Database Vault
    • Provides fine-grained access control to sensitive data
  4. Oracle Audit Vault
    • Collect data from audit trail tables, OS audit files and redo logs.
  5. Oracle Enterprise User Security
  6. Oracle Total Recall
  7. Oracle Database Firewall
  8. Oracle Data Masking

Managing Oracle Security
Database Security involves Authentication, Authorization, Data Access, and Audit

(1) Authentication Methods
  • Database Authentication (Default)
    • Oracle implements authentication through a user ID and password.
  • Operating System authentication
    • Sometimes referred as OPS$ accounts.
    • Oracle looks for a user ID that matches your OS login ID and prepends an OPS$ to it.
    • Additional benefit: OS scripts can log into the database without hard coding user names and passwords.
  • Third Party Authentication
    • You can tie authentication to third-party providers like Kerberos or DCE (called network authentication) (Needs EE+Security Pack)
    • or provide it from the middle tier (called multitier authentication).

(2) Authorization
  • Giving access to certain objects, processes or resources.
  • Implemented using GRANTS on objects to ROLES or USERS.
  • Oracle implements authorization via users, roles and permissions

(3) Securing Data Access
  • The ability to access specific data values associated with an object (across records or columns)
  • STORED PROCEDURES are commonly used to secure data access.
  • Benefits of using stored procedures for all programmatic data access: (a) secure the data; (b) provide consistent application access to the data; (c) Hide the data structure.
  • Secure VIEWS can also be used to restrict access. (use WITH CHECK OPTION Constraint)
  • Controlling access at the record level:
    • Previous versions (before Oracle 10g): using secure views
    • More recently:
  • (a) Use Virtual Private Databases (VPDs)
  • (b) Use Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) - uses DBMS_RLS package (Row Level Security)
  • With FGAC (DBMS_RLS), you can transparently include a WHERE clause on any combinations of DML and SELECT when a user queries the database.

(a) Option: use Secure Views
userA owns EMPLOYEES table.
userB needs access to EMPLOYEES but cant see SALARY or MANAGER records.
userA may create a view and grant access to userB on that view.

-- User A:
 SQL> create or replace view emp_no_sal as 
      select employee_id, last_name, first_name, email, job_id, manager_id
      from iranmr.employees a
      where employee_id NOT IN (
           select nvl(manager_id, -1)
           from iranmr.employees b);

 SQL> grant select on emp_no_sal to userB;

(b) Option: Use Virtual Private Database (VPD)
  • With Virtual Private Databases (VPDs), Oracle allows column masking to hide columns.
  • When you select the row, Oracle will only display NULL for the secure columns.
  • If you're securing at the row level and column level, it's probably easier to just implement VPDs and not the secure views.

What's a Virtual Private Databases (VPDs)?
  • A VPD is just asking Oracle to put a where clause on DML against an object with a security policy on it.
  • A security policy is defined with DBMS_RLS package.
  • A security policy is normally defined in a CONTEXT (a piece of data that says how the where clause should be built).

(4) Audit
  • Older versions: audit implemented through triggers.
  • Trigger limitations: (a) triggers can easily be disabled or modified; (b) triggers do not fire on SELECT; (c) require extensive coding and testing.
  • Newer versions: Use Fine Grained Auditing (FGA). (DBMS_FGA package)

Oracle Advanced Security

Oracle Advanced Security (OAS)

  • Introduced in Oracle8i.
  • Combines (a) strong authentication with (b) encryption of data in storage and while being transferred to and from the database.
  • Includes Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), Wallet Management, Network Encryption, RADUIS, Kerberos, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Authentication, etc.
  • Helps customers address regulatory compliance requirements, including
    • - Sarbanes-Oxley (?)
    • - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS),
    • - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and numerous
    • - Breach notification laws.

OAS provides (transparent) data encryption and strong authentication services
- Protect sensitive data on the network, on storage media and within the database from unauthorized disclosure.
- Also protects against theft, loss, and improper decommissioning of storage media and database backups

OAS Components
Transparent data Encryption (TDE)
  • Encrypts data before it is written to storage and
  • automatically decrypts data when reading it from storage without any changes to existing applications (no need for triggers, views, etc..)
  • Access controls that are enforced by the Oracle database still remain in effect. These include object grants, roles, virtual private database and Oracle Database Vault.
  • Two supported modes: TABLESPACE ENCRYPTION (11g only) and COLUMN ENCRYPTION (Introduced on 10g r2)
    • Tablespace Encryption: good for encrypting entire app tables
    • Column Encryption: good for individual data elements (credit cards, SSNs, etc).
    • Frequently accessed data blocks are cached in memory in the same manner as traditional nonencrypted data blocks

KEY Management
  • Two-tier key management architecture: MASTER encryption key + one or more DATA encryption keys.
  • TDE MASTER Encryption key (MEK): used to encrypt and protect the DATA encryption keys.
  • TDE MEK: can be stored in the Oracle Wallet.

Network encryption
  • Provides standards-based network encryption
  • Connections can be rejected from clients that have encryption turned off
  • No changes to existing applications are required

Strong Authentication
  • Kerberos, PKI or RADIUS
  • SSL-based authentication can make use of Smart Cards.

Encrypted database backups
  • RMAN backups encrypted data.
  • RMAN can call TDE during the backup process to encrypt the entire database (including SYSTEM and SYSAUX).
  • RMAN can COMPRESS and use TDE to ENCRYPT => compact and secure backups.

Identity and Access Control: Authentication and Users

  • Access to a SQL Server database takes place through three levels of security.
  • In each one you need to have access and permissions configured independently.
  • You may need to:
    • (1) Login in to a Windows domain (level 1) (except for non-windows clients)
    • (2) The Windows login is then mapped to SQL Server Login (level 2)
    • (3) The SQL Server Login is mapped to a database user (level 3).

Authentication Mode
  • Controls how application users connect to SQL Server
  • (a) Windows Authentication mode
    • Default and recommended
    • Only authenticated Windows users can access the SQL Server instance
    • Allowed connections:
      • by users who are authenticated through the Windows Active Directory service or
      • by the local user account databse on the SQL Server machine.
    • A Windows Login(within SQL Server) has to be created for each Windows user or group that needs acess to the SQL instance.

  • (b) Mixed Mode Authentication
    • Windows users can be mapped to SQL Server Windows logins or
    • SQL Logins can be created directly in SQL Server.
    • This mode is required when non-Windows clients need to access the server.
    • SQL Logins are not considered as secure as Windows Logins.
    • While Windows uses Kerberos authentication, SQL Logins store username/passwd in the master database.
    • If the use of SQL Logins is a requirement, you should also use some form of lower-layer network encryption (i.e. IPSec or SSL).

  • Principals: Entities (individuals, groups, processes) that can request SQL Server resources.
  • Securables: the server, databases, and objects within databases.
  • Principals can be arranged in a hierarchy
  • Scope of influence of a principal depends on:
    • (a) its definition scope: Windows -> Server -> database
    • (b) whether principal is indivisible (i.e. windows login, SQL Logins) or collection (i.e windows group)
  • Every principal has a security indentifier (SID)

Windows-level principals
  • Windows group
  • Windows domain login
  • Windows local login

SQL Server-level principals
  • SQL Server Login
    • The sa login is created when instance is installed.
    • sa default database: master.
    • Server-level principals for internal use: names enclosed with '##' (certificate-based)
  • Fixed Server Role:
    • sysadmin, serveradmin, securityadmin, processadmin,
    • setupadmin, bulkadmin, diskadmin, dbcreator, public

Database-level principals
  • Database User
    • Every database includes information_schema and sys.
    • These entities appear as users, BUT information_schema and sys ARE NOT principals. Cannot be dropped.
    • The guest user is created by default in every user database.
    • The guest user cannot be dropped, but can be disabled (revoke CONNECT), except in master and tempdb.
  • Fixed | Flexible Database Role
  • (i.e. public. every database user belongs to the public db role.)
  • Application Role

Types of SQL Server Logins:
(neither of which are mapped to an OS user)
  • Windows Logins
  • SQL Server Logins

Creating a SQL Server Login
(a) Create a SQL Server login that uses Windows Authentication
-- domain/user have to be a valid/existing Windows user
Create Login [domain/user] from windows;

-- domain/group has to be a valid Windows group
create login [domain_name/group_name] from windows;

(b) create a SQL Server Login that uses SQL Server authentication


Drop login test_SQLAuth_1;

(a) use sys.server_principals

select name, type_desc, default_database_name
from sys.server_principals;
name type_desc default_database_name
sa SQL_LOGIN master
iranmr-PC\iranmr WINDOWS_LOGIN master
test_SQLAuth_1 SQL_LOGIN Books

(b) use sys.sql_logins
select name, type_desc, default_database_name
from sys.sql_logins;
name type_desc default_database_name
sa SQL_LOGIN master
test_SQLAuth_1 SQL_LOGIN Books

Server-Level Roles (Fixed Server Roles)
  • SQL Server-level Logins can be managed using fixed server roles.
  • There are 9 Server-level roles.
    • sysadmin, serveradmin, securityadmin, processadmin, setupadmin, bulkadmin, diskadmin, dbcreator, public
  • Roles are similar to Windows OS groups
  • Server-level roles: also called fixed server roles (because cannot be created by users)
  • Have server-wide scope.
  • You can assign SQL Server logins, Windows accounts, and Windows groups to server-level roles.
Information about Server-Level Roles:
exec sp_helpsrvrole;
ServerRole Description
sysadmin System Administrators
securityadmin Security Administrators
serveradmin Server Administrators
setupadmin Setup Administrators
processadmin Process Administrators
diskadmin Disk Administrators
dbcreator Database Creators
bulkadmin Bulk Insert Administrators

exec sp_helpsrvrolemember;
ServerRole MemberName MemberSID
sysadmin sa
sysadmin iranmr-PC\iranmr

Adding/Dropping a Server Login to a Server-level Role
exec sp_addsrvrolemember test_SQLAuth_1, sysadmin;

exec sp_helpsrvrolemember;
ServerRole MemberName MemberSID
sysadmin sa
sysadmin iranmr-PC\iranmr
sysadmin        test_SQLAuth_1

exec sp_dropsrvrolemember test_SQLAuth_1, sysadmin;

Database users
Database users are principals at the database level.
A database user needs to be created for each login that needs to access the database.
When a login that does not have a user mapped to it tries to access a database, it is logged as the guest database user.
However, this only happens if the guest user has been granted CONNECT to the database.
(a) Create database used mapped to an existing SQL Server Login
USE [Books]

CREATE USER [test_auth_dbbooks1] FOR LOGIN [test_SQLAuth_1] 

(b) Check the created database user among the database principals
use Books; go select name, type_desc, default_schema_name from sys.database_principals; name type_desc default_schema_name ------- public DATABASE_ROLE NULL dbo WINDOWS_USER dbo guest SQL_USER guest INFORMATION_SCHEMA SQL_USER NULL sys SQL_USER NULL test_auth_dbbooks1 SQL_USER dbo ...

Fixed | Flexible Database Roles
  • Roles are security principals that group other principals.
  • Can be used to group database users with similar access privileges.
  • You can create new (flexible) database roles to define groups based on business requisites.
  • You can nest roles (add role into other role)
  • Create new role: CREATE ROLE role_name
  • Add user to role: exec sp_addrolemember role_name, user_name.
  • Fixed roles exist in all databases:
    • db_onwer, db_securityadmin, db_accessadmin, db_backupoperator, db_ddladmin, db_datawriter, db_datareader, db_denydatawriter, db_denydatareader

Application Role
  • Is a database principal that enables an application to run with its own, user-like permissions.
  • Can be used to enable access to specific data only to users connecting through a specific application.
  • Application roles contain no members.
  • How it works:
    • (1) Client application connects to SQL Server as a database user.
    • (2) Client application executes sp_setapprole.
    • (3) If validated, a context switch occurs and the application assumes the permission of the application role.
    WITH PASSWORD = '987G^bv876sPY)Y5m23', 

Managing Schemas
  • Schemas are collections of database objects that form a single namespace.
  • Starting in SQL Server 2005, schemas and database users are separate entities.
  • User name is no longer part of the object name.
  • Each schema is now a distinct namespace that exists independently of the database user who created it.
  • Each schema is owned either by a user or a role.
  • If you need to drop a user, you need to transfer the schema ownership to someone else first.
  • You can define a default schema for a user.
  • Implications of the separation of ownership:
    • Ownership of schemas is now transferable
    • Objects can be moved between schemas.
    • Multiple database users can share a single default schema.
    • Improved object-permission management.
    • Schema can be owned by any database principal: user, database role, application role.

Checking schemas
use Books;
select * from sys.schemas;

name                schema_id   principal_id
------------------  ----------  ------------
dbo                 1          1
guest 2 2
sys 4 4
db_owner 16384 16384
db_accessadmin 16385 16385
db_securityadmin 16386 16386
db_ddladmin 16387 16387
db_backupoperator 16389 16389
db_datareader 16390 16390
db_datawriter 16391 16391
db_denydatareader 16392 16392
db_denydatawriter 16393 16393

Using SQL Server and Database Principals, Schemas, application roles and context switching
(a) Create a SQL Server login, database user and schema.
(b) Create application role associated with the new schema
(c) Activate the new application role, switching user context
(d) Return to previous context.
-- Using database books
USE books;
(1) Create a SQL Server login user1
CREATE login user1 WITH password = ***;
(2) Create a [books] database user user1. -- user1 is created in the [books] database, -- is associated with user1 SQL Server principal (login) -- has schema1 as default schema.
CREATE USER  user1 FOR login user1 WITH default_schema = schema1;
(3) Query sys.sql_logins to check that the SQL Server principal was created
SELECT name, type_desc, default_database_name
    FROM sys.sql_logins;
name type_desc default_database_name -------------- --------- --------------- sa SQL_LOGIN master ... test_SQLAuth_1 SQL_LOGIN Books user1 SQL_LOGIN master (4) Query books.sys.database_principals to check that databse user user1 was created
SELECT name, principal_id, type_desc, default_schema_name
    FROM sys.database_principals;
name principal_id type_desc default_schema_name ------------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- public 0 DATABASE_ROLE NULL dbo 1 SQL_USER dbo guest 2 SQL_USER guest INFORMATION_SCHEMA 3 SQL_USER NULL sys 4 SQL_USER NULL user1 6 SQL_USER schema1 db_owner 16834 DATABASE_ROLE NULL ... (5) Query books.sys.schemas to check that the schema1 DOES NOT yet exist.
SELECT name, schema_id, principal_id
    FROM sys.schemas;
name schema_id principal_id ----------------- --------- -------- dbo 1 1 guest 2 2 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 3 3 sys 4 4 db_owner 16384 16384 ...

(6) Create schema books.schema1, owned by user1
USE Books;
(7) Query sys.schemas to check schema1 was created.
SELECT name, schema_id, principal_id
    FROM sys.schemas;
name schema_id principal_id ----------------- --------- -------- dbo 1 1 guest 2 2 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 3 3 sys 4 4 schema1 5 6 -- <= owner: user1 db_owner 16384 16384 ... (8) Create table emp_sch1 in schema1, and insert one row.
CREATE TABLE schema1.emp_sch1 (id INT, name VARCHAR(20));
INSERT INTO books.schema1.emp_sch1 
        VALUES (1, 'John');
(9) Query books.schema1.emp_sch1 to check the inserted row.
    FROM books.schema1.emp_sch1;
id name -- ---- 1 John

(10) Create application role approle_sch1, with default schema schema1. Grant select on schema1 to approle_sch1.
USE Books;
CREATE application role approle_sch1
            WITH password = 'p4sswd',
            default_schema = schema1;
SELECT ON schema::schema1 TO approle_sch1;
(11) Query the current user (should return 'dbo')
user_name --------- dbo (12) Switch context to approle_sch1 using sp_setapprole. Use cookies to save orginal context information.
DECLARE @cookie VARBINARY(8000);
EXEC sp_setapprole 'approle_sch1', 'p4sswd',
    @fCreateCookie = true,
    @cookie = @cookie OUTPUT;
    -- should return approle_sch1
    FROM emp_sch1;
    -- should return one row
EXEC sp_unsetapprole @cookie;
user_name ---------- approle_sch1 id name -- ---- 1 John (13) Revert to the original context using sp_unsetapprole.
user_name ---------- dbo