Summer 1966
- Ellison moves to Berkeley, CA. Works weekends as IBM systems programmer
- Ellison leaves IBM and start working for Ampex (company invented the magnetic tape recorder).
- Works in the terabit memory system project, code-named Oracle, funded by the CIA, at Ampex.
- At Ampex, worked in a database management system for the PDP-11 minicomputer. A CODASYL database, modeled after Cullinet's IDMS mainframe database.
1977 Larry Ellison read Don Chamberlain's papers on the System R and SQL language and decided to build a relational database management system for minicomputers. Ellison (34 y/o), Bob Miner and Ed Oates founded Software Development Laboratories. In the picture: Ed Oates, Bruce Scott, Bob Miner and Larry Ellison. Bruce Scott, who would be hired upon the formation of the company, is the “Scott” in scott/tiger (tiger was Bruce’s daughter’s cat). |
SDL signed a contract with CIA to continue working on a SQL-based relational database.
Oracle Version 1, written in assembly language, runs on PDP-11 under RSX, in 128K of memory.
Oracle V1 is never officially released.
SDL changes its name to Relational Software Inc.
RSI launches Oracle 2.1. The first commercial relational database using SQL.
Still written in PDP-11 assembly language
RSI becomes Oracle Systems.
Oracle launches Oracle Version 4.
Version 4 supported read-consistency, and introduced the export/import utility
Check some screen shots and material from Version 4.1:
Launched Oracle Version 5.
Oracle now supported a client-server model and distributed queries.
First support for distributed database
1986 Oracle made its first public offering of stock. One of the principal reasons for Oracle's success was the 1986 emergence of SQL as the industry's standard language for relational database management systems, which in turn led to increased market acceptance of Oracle's SQL-compatible RDBMS. Oracle releases SQL*Plus, SQL*Menu, SQL*Graph In 1986 Oracle expanded its RDBMS product line and debuted another industry first, a distributed DBMS based on the company's SQL*Star software. racle SQL*Star software was the first commercially available software of its kind and was soon expanded to include dozens of additional computer brands and models. |
Oracle Version 6 launched.
Technical advances:
Row-level locking, Hot backup, and first version of PL/SQL.
PL/SQL was not yet stored in the database. It was supported embedded within Forms V3.
Oracle provides database support of online transaction processing (OLTP).
Oracle Applications Release 8 launched (Accounting).
Oracle Version 7 launched.
Version 7 supported declarative referential integrity, stored procedures and triggers.
1996 Oracle launches Release 7.3. Oracle 7.3 offered the Universal Server. Provided datatype support for text, video, maps, sound, images datatypes. |

Oracle 8 and Oracle Applications 10.7 launched.
Added ability to create and store objects in the database.
Added support for Java. First database to incorporate a native JRE.
First proprietary database available in Linux.

Release of Oracle 8i.
8i incorporated a native Java virtual machine (Oracle JVM).
Oracle E-Business suite 11i launched.

Oracle 9i launched. 400 new features.
Support for Real Application Clusters (RAC) replaced Oracle Parallel Server (OPS).
Added new data warehousing features
![]() | 2003 Oracle 10g released. Enabled "grid" computing: computer and software resources provided for applications on an as-needed basis. Added the ability to provision CPUs and data. Introduction of self-managing features:
Oracle 10g Release 2 (10gR2) launched.
Oracle acquires PeopleSoft and announces its intention to buy Siebel Systems.
![]() | 2007 Oracle 11g released. 11g brought many new features, including Oracle Total Recall (Flashback Data Archive), hot patching, automate capture of fault diagnostics and provision of repair advisors and integration with Oracle Metalink. Peoplesoft Enterprise 9 launched. Siebel's CRM 8 launched. Oracle Virtual Machine launched. Oracle acquires:
Oracle acquires:
- BEA Web systems - provider of enterprise application infrastructure solutions (Java app servers, transaction processing monitors, SOA and business process management).
- CAPTOVATION - provider of document capture solutions.
- EMPIRIX - acquires the e-TEST suite of products (to add to OEM)
Oracle acquires:
- Primavera Software - provider of project portfolio management solutions (engineering, construction, public sector, aerospace and defense, utilities, oil and gas, manufacturing and high technology).
- Haley - provider of policy modeling and automation software for legislative and regulated industries (public sector, financial services and insurance).
- Skywire Software - provider of insurance and document management business applications. (Expands Oracle Enterprise Content management Suite)
- AdminServer - provider of insurance policy administration software
- Relsys - provider of drug safety and risk management solutions.
- mValent - provider of application configuration management solutions.
Oracle acquires SUN Microsystems.
Other acquisitions:
- AmberPoint - SOA management provider
- Silver Creek - data quality products
- Convergin - developer in Java 2, Service Broker and network integration software
- Passlogix - Enterprise singe sign-on and network authentication capabilities (Oracle Identity management)
- Secerno - heterogenous database firewall ( became Oracle db firewall)
- Phase Forward - provider of applications for healthcare providers and life science companies.
Sources and Further reading:
Oracle Corporate/technical timeline:
Oracle timeline at oracle.com
Oracle database explained
Oracle Timeline at Profit magazine
On Bruce Scott