![]() | Example 1: Find all modifications in the last archived redo log
Steps: (the various steps are part of a script file logmnr_sql.sh)
SQL> alter database add supplemental log data; SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';(1) Get user credentials (UserA, UserB, System)
#!/bin/bash # logmnr_sql.sh LOGFILE=logminer.log ############################################################### # Get users credentials ############################################################## usersystem=system echo "Enter password for system" read -s passwds usera=usera echo "Enter password for usera" read -s passwda userb=userb echo "Enter password for userb" read -s passwdb sid=${ORACLE_SID} (cont..)(2) UserA creates table UserA.EMP
(cont..) ############################################################### # Log in as userA. Recreate EMP table ############################################################## sqlplus -s /nolog << EndOfSQL >> ${LOGFILE} connect ${usera}/${passwda} whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode; prompt "Connected: UserA - recreating EMP.." drop table emp; create table emp as select employee_id as empno, first_name || ' ' || last_name as ename, department_id as deptno, salary as salary from hr.employees; grant select, update on emp to userb; exit; EndOfSQL ERRORCODE=$? #check the return code from SQL Plus if [ $ERRORCODE != 0 ] then echo ******************************** echo "ERROR: SQL*Plus failed with error code: $ERRORCODE" else echo ******************************** echo "SQL*Plus completed successfully. Error code: $ERRORCODE" fi (cont..)(3) UserA updates some rows on table UserA.EMP
(cont..) ############################################################### # Log in as usera. update data on table EMP ############################################################## sqlplus -s /nolog << EndOfSQL >> ${LOGFILE} connect ${usera}/${passwda} whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode; prompt "Connected: UserA - Updating rows..." set serveroutput on begin update emp set salary = salary*1.05 where deptno = 50; commit; dbms_output.put_line('salaries on dept 50 updated..'); declare cursor c_emp is select empno, ename, deptno, salary from emp where deptno = 30 for update; begin for c_reg in c_emp loop update emp set ename = initcap(c_reg.ename) where current of c_emp; update emp set salary = c_reg.salary *1.10 where current of c_emp; end loop; commit; dbms_output.put_line('names and salaries on dept 30 updated..'); end; end; / exit; EndOfSQL ERRORCODE=$? # Check the return code from SQL Plus if [ $ERRORCODE != 0 ] then echo ******************************** echo "ERROR: SQL*Plus failed with error code: $ERRORCODE" else echo ******************************** echo "SQL*Plus completed successfully. Error code: $ERRORCODE" fi (cont..)(4) UserB updates rows on table UserA.EMP
############################################################### # Log in as userB. update data on table EMP ############################################################## sqlplus -s /nolog << EndOfSQL >> ${LOGFILE} connect ${userb}/${passwdb} whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode; prompt "Connected: USERB" set serveroutput on begin update usera.emp set salary = salary*1.05 where deptno = 60; dbms_output.put_line('SQL%ROWCOUNT: ['|| SQL%ROWCOUNT || '] rows returned'); commit; dbms_output.put_line('salaries on dept 60 updated..'); declare cursor c_emp2 is select empno, ename, deptno, salary from usera.emp where deptno = 90 for update; begin for c_reg in c_emp2 loop update usera.emp set ename = initcap(c_reg.ename) where current of c_emp2; update usera.emp set salary = c_reg.salary *1.10 where current of c_emp2; end loop; commit; dbms_output.put_line('names and salaries on dept 30 updated..'); end; end; / exit; EndOfSQL ERRORCODE=$? # Check the return code from SQL Plus if [ $ERRORCODE != 0 ] then echo ******************************** echo "ERROR: SQL*Plus failed with error code: $ERRORCODE" else echo ******************************** echo "SQL*Plus completed successfully. Error code: $ERRORCODE" fi (cont..)(5) Log in as SYSTEM: (a) archives current redo log; (b) Add list of log files for mining; (c) starts log miner; (d) query log miner information; and (e) Ends log miner section
############################################################### # Log in as SYSTEM. Run Log Miner ############################################################## echo "Configuring Log Miner section..." sqlplus -s /nolog << EndOfSQL >> ${LOGFILE} connect ${usersystem}/${passwds} whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode; prompt "Connected: SYSTEM" prompt " (a) Switching current log file.." alter system archive log current; prompt "Most recently archived log file is" set linesize 150 select name, first_change# from v\$archived_log where first_time = (select max(first_time) from v\$archived_log); prompt "(b) Configuring the list of redo log files to be mined.." declare v_logname varchar2(200); begin select name into v_logname from v\$archived_log where first_time = (select max(first_time) from v\$archived_log); dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(LOGFILENAME => v_logname, OPTIONS => dbms_logmnr.new); end; / prompt "List of log files added to log miner: " select to_char(low_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') lowtime, to_char(high_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') hightime, type, filesize/1024/1024 Mb, filename from v\$logmnr_logs; prompt "(c) Starting log miner using online catalog.." execute dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(options => dbms_logmnr.dict_from_online_catalog);
prompt "(d) Querying log miner results" set linesize 150 set pagesize 80 column usr format a10 column osusr format a10 column machine_name format a10 column xid format a12 col operation format a15 col table_name format a10 col sql_redo format a30 col sql_undo format a30 select username as usr, os_username as osusr, (xidusn ||'.'|| xidslt ||'.'||xidsqn) as xid, operation, table_name, sql_redo, sql_undo from v\$logmnr_contents where username in ('USERA', 'USERB'); USR OSUSR XID OPERATION TABLE_NAME SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------ -------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ USERA jdoe 10.12.988 START set transaction read write; USERA jdoe 1.7.928 DDL EMP ALTER TABLE "USERA"."EMP" RENA ME TO "BIN$sKOUXNE/r7TgQAB/AQE yrA==$0" ; ... USERA jdoe 1.7.928 DDL EMP drop table emp AS "BIN$sKOUXNE /r7TgQAB/AQEyrA==$0" ; ... USERA jdoe 4.32.983 DDL EMP create table emp as select employee_id as empno, first_name || ' ' || last_name as ename, department_id as deptno, salary as salary from hr.employees; .. USERA jdoe 4.23.984 START set transaction read write; USERA jdoe 4.32.983 DIRECT INSERT EMP insert into "USERA"."EMP"("EMP delete from "USERA"."EMP" wher NO","ENAME","DEPTNO","SALARY") e "EMPNO" = '198' and "ENAME" values ('198','Donald OConnel = 'Donald OConnell' and "DEPTN l','50','2600'); O" = '50' and "SALARY" = '2600 ' and ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMb AAA'; ... USERA jdoe 4.32.983 DIRECT INSERT EMP insert into "USERA"."EMP"("EMP delete from "USERA"."EMP" wher NO","ENAME","DEPTNO","SALARY") e "EMPNO" = '197' and "ENAME" values ('197','Kevin Feeney', = 'Kevin Feeney' and "DEPTNO" '50','3000'); = '50' and "SALARY" = '3000' a nd ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbABq '; ... USERA jdoe 10.31.988 DDL EMP grant select, update on emp to userb; ... USERA jdoe 10.31.988 UPDATE OBJ$ update "SYS"."OBJ$" set "OBJ#" update "SYS"."OBJ$" set "OBJ#" = '75621', "DATAOBJ#" = '7562 = '75621', "DATAOBJ#" = '7562 1', "TYPE#" = '2', "CTIME" = T 1', "TYPE#" = '2', "CTIME" = T O_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'DD-MON-RR O_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'DD-MON-RR '), "MTIME" = TO_DATE('22-NOV- '), "MTIME" = TO_DATE('22-NOV- 10', 'DD-MON-RR'), "STIME" = T 10', 'DD-MON-RR'), "STIME" = T O_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'DD-MON-RR O_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'DD-MON-RR '), "STATUS" = '1', "FLAGS" = '), "STATUS" = '1', "FLAGS" = '0', "OID$" = NULL, "SPARE1" = '0', "OID$" = NULL, "SPARE1" = '6', "SPARE2" = '1' where "OB '6', "SPARE2" = '1' where "OB J#" = '75621' and "DATAOBJ#" = J#" = '75621' and "DATAOBJ#" = '75621' and "OWNER#" = '92' a '75621' and "OWNER#" = '92' a nd "TYPE#" = '2' and "CTIME" = nd "TYPE#" = '2' and "CTIME" = TO_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'DD-MON- TO_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'DD-MON- RR') and "MTIME" = TO_DATE('22 RR') and "MTIME" = TO_DATE('22 -NOV-10', 'DD-MON-RR') and "ST -NOV-10', 'DD-MON-RR') and "ST IME" = TO_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'D IME" = TO_DATE('22-NOV-10', 'D D-MON-RR') and "STATUS" = '1' D-MON-RR') and "STATUS" = '1' and "FLAGS" = '0' and "OID$" I and "FLAGS" = '0' and "OID$" I S NULL and "SPARE1" = '6' and S NULL and "SPARE1" = '6' and "SPARE2" = '1' and ROWID = 'AA "SPARE2" = '1' and ROWID = 'AA AAASAABAAAU6JAAi'; AAASAABAAAU6JAAi'; .. USERA jdoe 10.31.988 COMMIT commit; USERA jdoe 7.26.985 START set transaction read write; ... USERA jdoe 3.23.1299 START set transaction read write; USERA jdoe 3.23.1299 UPDATE EMP update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA RY" = '2730' where "EMPNO" = ' RY" = '2600' where "EMPNO" = ' 198' and "ENAME" = 'Donald OCo 198' and "ENAME" = 'Donald OCo nnell' and "DEPTNO" = '50' and nnell' and "DEPTNO" = '50' and "SALARY" = '2600' and ROWID = "SALARY" = '2730' and ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAA'; 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAA'; ... USERA jdoe 3.23.1299 UPDATE EMP update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA RY" = '2250' where "EMPNO" = ' RY" = '3000' where "EMPNO" = ' 197' and "ENAME" = 'Kevin Feen 197' and "ENAME" = 'Kevin Feen ey' and "DEPTNO" = '50' and "S ey' and "DEPTNO" = '50' and "S ALARY" = '3000' and ROWID = 'A ALARY" = '2250' and ROWID = 'A AASdlAAEAAAAMbABq'; AASdlAAEAAAAMbABq'; USERA jdoe 3.23.1299 COMMIT commit; USERA jdoe 1.12.927 START set transaction read write; USERA jdoe 1.12.92 SELECT_FOR_UPDATE EMP select * from "USERA"."EMP" wh ere ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAA X' for update; ... USERA jdoe 1.12.927 UPDATE EMP update "USERA"."EMP" set "ENAM update "USERA"."EMP" set "ENAM E" = 'Den Raphaely' where "EMP E" = 'Den Raphaely' where "EMP NO" = '114' and "ENAME" = 'Den NO" = '114' and "ENAME" = 'Den Raphaely' and "DEPTNO" = '30' Raphaely' and "DEPTNO" = '30' and "SALARY" = '11000' and RO and "SALARY" = '11000' and RO WID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAX'; WID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAX'; ... USERA jdoe 1.12.927 UPDATE EMP update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA RY" = '2750' where "EMPNO" = ' RY" = '2500' where "EMPNO" = ' 119' and "ENAME" = 'Karen Colm 119' and "ENAME" = 'Karen Colm enares' and "DEPTNO" = '30' an enares' and "DEPTNO" = '30' an d "SALARY" = '2500' and ROWID d "SALARY" = '2750' and ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAc'; = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAc'; USERB jdoe 1.12.927 COMMIT commit; ... USERB jdoe 8.21.1521 START set transaction read write; USERB jdoe 6.16.1306 UPDATE EMP update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA update "USERA"."EMP" set "SALA RY" = '9450' where "EMPNO" = ' RY" = '9000' where "EMPNO" = ' 103' and "ENAME" = 'Alexander 103' and "ENAME" = 'Alexander Hunold' and "DEPTNO" = '60' an Hunold' and "DEPTNO" = '60' an d "SALARY" = '9000' and ROWID d "SALARY" = '9450' and ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAM'; = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAM'; ... USERB jdoe 6.16.1306 COMMIT commit; USERB jdoe 4.5.983 START set transaction read write; USERB jdoe 4.5.983 SELECT_FOR_UPDA EMP select * from "USERA"."EMP" wh TE ere ROWID = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAA ... USERB jdoe 4.5.983 UPDATE EMP update "USERA"."EMP" set "ENAM update "USERA"."EMP" set "ENAM E" = 'Steven King' where "EMPN E" = 'Steven King' where "EMPN O" = '100' and "ENAME" = 'Stev O" = '100' and "ENAME" = 'Stev en King' and "DEPTNO" = '90' a en King' and "DEPTNO" = '90' a nd "SALARY" = '24000' and ROWI nd "SALARY" = '24000' and ROWI D = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAJ'; D = 'AAASdlAAEAAAAMbAAJ'; ... USERB jdoe 4.5.983 COMMIT commit; ... 188 rows selected.(e) End the Log Miner Section
prompt "(e) Ending log miner section.." execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr(); exit; EndOfSQL ERRORCODE=$? # Check the return code from SQL Plus if [ $ERRORCODE != 0 ] then echo ******************************** echo "ERROR: SQL*Plus failed with error code: $ERRORCODE" else echo ******************************** echo "SQL*Plus completed successfully. Error code: $ERRORCODE" fi
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